Rabu, 10 Oktober 2018

Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia

Struktur Organisasi PT. Yusen Logistics Indonesia

PT. Yusen Logistics adalah salah satu perusahaan penyedia jasa Freight Forwarding terkemuka di beberapa belahan benua. PT. Yusen Logistics Indonesia adalah salah satu kantor PT. Yusen Logistics yang ada di Indonesia.

Berikut adalah struktur organisasi PT. Yusen Logistics Indonesia untuk Air Freight Forwarding ( AFF ).

1. President Director
·       Merumuskan dan menetapkan kebijaksanaan umum perusahaan.
·       Melaksanakan pengawasan terhadap jalannya aktivitas perusahaan.
·       Mengembangkan manajemen perusahaan.
·       Menjalankan rencana kerja pengelolaan perusahaan secara terpadu.
·       Menyiapkan laporan pertanggungjawaban kegiatan perusahaan dan perhitungan hasil usaha.

2. General Manager Laut
·       Menyusun rencana kerja dan menentukan target serta anggaran belanja setiap tahunnya baik departemen ekspor maupun impor laut.
·       Sebagai koordinator yang mengawasi kelancaran tugas di departemen ekspor dan impor laut dalam melaksanakan rencana kerja dan pencapaian target yang telah ditentukan.
·       Menentukan dan menyusun agenda perusahaan khususnya departemen ekspor dan impor laut.

3. General Manager Udara
·       Menyusun rencana kerja dan menentukan target serta anggaran belanja setiap tahunnya baik departemen ekspor maupun impor udara.
·       Sebagai koordinator yang mengawasi kelancaran tugas di departemen ekspor dan impor udara dalam melaksanakan rencana kerja dan pencapaian target yang telah ditentukan.
·       Menentukan dan menyusun agenda perusahaan khususnya departemen ekspor dan impor udara.

4. General Manager Non Bisnis
·       Melaksanakan dan membina tata usaha keuangan dan perbendaharaan kas sesuai dengan kebijaksanaan perusahaan yang telah ditetapkan.
·       Menyusun anggaran keuangan dan disesuaikan dengan rencana kerja.
·       Mengawasi dan mengendalikan pelaksanaan anggaran keuangan perusahaan.
·       Melakukan perhitungan hasil berkala maupun tahunan yang diperoleh perusahaan.

Selasa, 16 Januari 2018



Ø      Modified Block Style

In Modified block style, location of the date, the closing salutation, the name of the institution, the bright name and the name of the post on the right side of the letter.

Ø      Intended Style
In Intended style each first line at the beginning of the paragraph starts with some spaces from the left.

Ø      Hanging Style
In Hanging style, the paragraph format hanging or more leaning to the left. this letter form on letter head, date, complementary close and signature is in the middle position of the letter. Other parts of the letter such as the inside address, subject, salutation, body of letter are in the left flat position. in the paragraph hanging, the beginning of the paragraph is not spaced.

Selasa, 05 Desember 2017



Ø Block style is a letter format where all typed content is aligned with the left margin and no indentation. A block letter typically contains specific components. These include the sender's name, address, phone, the recipient's name and address, the current date, a reference statement, the subject, and the main body.

Ø Modified block style is different format from the full block business letters. In the modified block style the return address, date, complimentary closing and the signature line are slightly to the right of the center of the paper.

Ø Semi block style is similar to the modified block style, except that the first line of each paragraph is indented.


Full block style

Modified block style

Semi block style


Karang 38 Street
Phone or Fax (091) 119-5027
Tokyo, Japan

December 2, 2017
Ms. Kirisima Ken
Head of Ken Production Store
Ken Production Store
Nagoya 21 Street

Dear Ms Ken,
Based on the increase improvement on meeting room at our store, and increased employees. Then in need of adequate facilities.
For that we want to order some stuff at your company, which consists of 5 (five) set table and chair “Italy Style” and 2 (two) set of desk type “L”.
60% payment will be made after booking arrived, and 40% will be one month after delivery.
Thank you for the cooperation.

Takarai Naoto

Director of Nao Collection

Selasa, 31 Oktober 2017


Senin, 16 Oktober 2017


Cover letter
91 Karang Satria • Bekasi Barat, 17113 • 08131440440 • d_jusman@gmail.com

October 16, 2017

Ms. Kirisima Naoto, Manager
Right Administration Office
RFA Company
8499-2th Street
Tokyo, AI T9E Z2R

Dear Ms. Naoto,

Further to your recent advertisement for the position of Management Accounting. I would like to present my résumé for review.

Over the past three years I have completed my study and recently obtained my Bachelor’s degree of Accounting from Gunadarma University. Then, one year ago I completed my graduate accounting program at Wilson Learning Group, gaining firsthand experience in both Client Side Services and their Corporate Services division. This experience has ranged from Corporate Accounting through to Management Accounting and Financial Analysis experience.

My ability to provide both hands-on resources as well as being able to understand the wider-picture of the role, has allowed me to tackle a wide range of tasks. My skills and experience includes:

Financial reporting and management accounting support;
Risk analysis and credit analysis on financial transactions;
Month end reconciliations;
Lodgement of tax month end and quarterly returns;
Client side consultation on setting up of books and accounting systems;
Assisting undergraduates.

Ms. Naoto, my objective is to establish a time when we can meet to discuss how my talent, professionalism, and enthusiasm will add value to your operation. I will call your office after one week. Meanwhile, I can be reached at 08131440440 or email at d_jusman@gmail.com. 

Thank you for your consideration. I look forward for speaking with you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Devy Jusman
Enclosure: Résumé